Advent Day #11

Tea #11 - “Moroccan Mint Green Tea”

If anyone ever loved mint things, it is me. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip. I can’t wait for the Christmas season for all the peppermint items to return to the grocery stores. This green tea boasts both spearmint and peppermint as its ingredients, but I can honestly admit that I thought I would not like it. It started when I saw the tea bag which had a finer mix rather than the lovelier whole leaves I have enjoyed in some of the other recent tea bags. I was excited to try my first Fortnum & Mason tea hailing from Africa though. I thoroughly enjoyed my research about this tea! I found out the Moroccans have been drinking sweet green mint tea, also called Maghrebi tea due to the region where it is popular, since the 19th century. They prepare it in “breds,” stainless steel teapots, and it is the men who brew it and serve it in “keesan,” jewel-colored tea glasses. This tea is described as “gunpowder” which explains its appearance in the bag, and it first came to Morocco via import in the 1860s. Interestingly, I drank it without milk or sugar, not realizing that the Moroccans drink it with an ample amount of sugar. Despite my not prepping it traditionally, this tea was a pleasant surprise! It is smooth, and the mint is subtle but obvious. I would absolutely drink this regularly and would love to try it again soon with the sugar added! 8/10


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