Advent Day #23
Tea #23 - "G&Tea"
Who doesn’t love a good G&T? Well, I should qualify that: who doesn’t love a good G& the summer... standing around at a cocktail party... listening to the hits?
I was rather skeptical when I saw this one... Fortnum & Mason’s G&T tea. The description reads as follows: “Enjoy a G&T without the consequences. We’ve combined green tea with real juniper berries and handpicked botanicals including coriander, fennel and lemon balm to create our refreshing Gin & Tonic Tea topped off with fresh lime and cucumber. All that’s missing is the gin itself.”
Huh? I brewed my water and steeped for the requisite 3 minutes. I read further down and saw that F&M suggests brewing this and putting on ice. Could that be my saving grace? Am I going to review our first ICED TEA of the advent calendar? Yep. That is exactly what I am going to do. So, after the brewing was complete, I transferred the cup to a glass filled with ice.
How does it stand up as an iced tea? I put a packet of sugar in with it at the steep and will say that it lends a nice, subtle sweetness. It doesn’t overpower the other flavors, and there are lots of flavors. As the description enumerates, there is a preponderance of earthy botanicals. I can definitely see this quenching a summer thirst. But I don’t get gin.
In the end, if you want a nice iced green tea that offers crisp notes on a warm summer day, this is for you. I am not sure that it is a good fit for a WINTER advent calendar. 5/10 (as an iced tea).
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